How To Stop Early Queen Attacks 28.08.2024 ➡️ Learn Chess On My Main: ➡️ My Chess Courses: ➡️ EDITED BY: Навигация по записям ПредыдущийСледующий 70 Комментарии Thanks a lot levy❤❤❤ Ответить This opening variation is called King's Pawn Opening: Wayward Queen Variation Ответить 600 tactics Ответить That's crazy man nice moves Ответить Thanks levy Ответить I LOVE YOU GOTHAM CHESS Ответить is levy a lizard person Ответить bro i went through this like 50 times before i learned to not fall for this on my own i am learning just very slowly Ответить Wait this is the actual game i played with the black pieces. Ответить I have a chess champion ship in school and the opponent always plays scholar mate so i will punish him Ответить Добавить комментарий Отменить ответВаш адрес email не будет опубликован. Обязательные поля помечены *Комментарий * Имя * Email * Сайт Сохранить моё имя, email и адрес сайта в этом браузере для последующих моих комментариев.
How To Stop Early Queen Attacks 28.08.2024 ➡️ Learn Chess On My Main: ➡️ My Chess Courses: ➡️ EDITED BY:
bro i went through this like 50 times before i learned to not fall for this on my own i am learning just very slowly Ответить
I have a chess champion ship in school and the opponent always plays scholar mate so i will punish him Ответить
Thanks a lot levy❤❤❤
This opening variation is called King's Pawn Opening: Wayward Queen Variation
600 tactics
That's crazy man nice moves
Thanks levy
is levy a lizard person
bro i went through this like 50 times before i learned to not fall for this on my own i am learning just very slowly
Wait this is the actual game i played with the black pieces.
I have a chess champion ship in school and the opponent always plays scholar mate so i will punish him