The Mikhail Tal Chess Trap! 16.08.2024 In this video, you will see the Mikhail Tal chess trap which comes from Tal variation of Caro Kann Defense! Навигация по записям ПредыдущийСледующий 150 Комментарии Ive done this many times!!! Didnt knew it was tal variation Ответить Yup the first time I met a player playing this didn't even know but now I did play pawn to block his pawn Ответить ye to mai hamesha karta hu is trick ko first time youtube pe dekha Ответить im the most aggressive because when i blunder my pawn i punch someone in the face dont even ask about what happens when my queen gets taken for free Ответить I learnt this as a 900 rated player. 70% of beginners fall for this trap Ответить i thought pawn c6 was the english defence Ответить Ara na bha voh toh emri tate che 💯💯💯 Ответить I fall for this more then 5 time…. I don't know this is a trap Ответить 100% incorrect. Firstly, the white has wasted 6 tempos to trap a bishop (~ 2 points gain). Secondly, he significantly weakened the king; hindering development of Knight. Seems you didn't analyze the game end-to-end. Ответить What about he takes the pawn with bishop lmao Ответить Добавить комментарий Отменить ответВаш адрес email не будет опубликован. Обязательные поля помечены *Комментарий * Имя * Email * Сайт Сохранить моё имя, email и адрес сайта в этом браузере для последующих моих комментариев.
The Mikhail Tal Chess Trap! 16.08.2024 In this video, you will see the Mikhail Tal chess trap which comes from Tal variation of Caro Kann Defense!
Yup the first time I met a player playing this didn't even know but now I did play pawn to block his pawn Ответить
im the most aggressive because when i blunder my pawn i punch someone in the face dont even ask about what happens when my queen gets taken for free Ответить
100% incorrect. Firstly, the white has wasted 6 tempos to trap a bishop (~ 2 points gain). Secondly, he significantly weakened the king; hindering development of Knight. Seems you didn't analyze the game end-to-end. Ответить
Ive done this many times!!! Didnt knew it was tal variation
Yup the first time I met a player playing this didn't even know but now I did play pawn to block his pawn
ye to mai hamesha karta hu is trick ko first time youtube pe dekha
im the most aggressive because when i blunder my pawn i punch someone in the face dont even ask about what happens when my queen gets taken for free
I learnt this as a 900 rated player. 70% of beginners fall for this trap
i thought pawn c6 was the english defence
Ara na bha voh toh emri tate che 💯💯💯
I fall for this more then 5 time…. I don't know this is a trap
100% incorrect. Firstly, the white has wasted 6 tempos to trap a bishop (~ 2 points gain).
Secondly, he significantly weakened the king; hindering development of Knight.
Seems you didn't analyze the game end-to-end.
What about he takes the pawn with bishop lmao